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Klarna Checkout - Setup guide for Starweb
Klarna Checkout - Setup guide for Starweb

Setup Shipmondo in Klarna Checkout (Klarna Shipping Service).

Updated over a year ago

If you are using Klarna Checkout (KCO) on your Starweb shop, you can use Shipmondo in Klarna Shipping Assistant (KSA).

With Shipmondo in Klarna Shipping Service, you have the opportunity to offer your customer to choose a delivery point / parcel shop, determine shipping price based on a fixed price, order amount, order weight, recipient’s zip code or number of items in the shopping cart. You can also offer multiple delivery options and carriers in the same checkout and much more.

Read more about your options and supported carriers with Shipmondo in your Klarna Checkout.

How to activate Shipmondo at your Klarna Checkout

This guide assumes that you have installed and activated the Klarna Checkout plugin on your Starweb shop.

Below, we go through:

  • Setup in Klarna Merchant Portal

  • Setup of delivery methods in Shipmondo.

A. Setup in Klarna Merchant

1. Log into your Shipmondo account.

Go to Settings > Integration > Shipping module access.

Click on Generate key, if the key is not already generated.

2. Log into your Klarna Merchant Portal

Go to Settings > Logistics > Shipping Profiles.

Create a new profile with following values:

Integration name

Enter “Shipmondo”

Merchant ID

Choose the merchant ID you wish to use

Choose TMS

Choose “Shipmondo LIVE”


Enter your identification value from step 1


Enter your key value from step 1

The new profile is inactive at creation.

3. Activate your shipping profile

Go to Settings > Logistics > Active Profiles and create a new affiliation by clicking on New country mapping.

Merchant ID

Choose the merchant ID you wish to use


Choose the country you use Klarna Checkout in


Choose the profile (“Shipmondo”), as created in step 2

Note! If you use Klarna Checkout in several countries, such as Sweden and Norway, you have to remember to create a profile for each of Sweden and Norway. You can also just use one profile, where you choose “Global” as Country (a profile for the whole world).

B: Setup of delivery methods in Klarna Checkout

When you have activated Shipmondo on your Klarna Checkout, you are ready to set up your delivery methods.

Click the button below to find a guide, with examples on how to set up your delivery methods in Klarna Checkout through Shipmondo.

Below you will find a selection of guides for advanced setup of your delivery methods:

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