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Shipmondo Return Portal Analytics
Shipmondo Return Portal Analytics

Gain insights into your return data with Return Portal Analytics. Here’s an overview of the analysis.

Updated over 2 months ago

Shipmondo offers two types of return portal solutions: Basic and Return Management. If you use the latter, you also gain access to Return Portal Analytics, which provides insights into return patterns, even at the item level.

Read about the two return portal solutions and choose the one that suits your business.

Return Portal Analytics enables you to proactively identify trends in your return shipments, items, and return reasons. This means you can quickly adjust your sales, product descriptions, and workflows to prevent return orders and keep your return rate low.

Customize the Return Portal Analytics for the period you wish to analyze. You can also filter by a specific return portal or view the analysis across all your return portals.

Return fulfillments provides an overview of the total number of return shipments created. The field also displays the average number of return shipments per day.

Items shows the total number of items included in the return shipments and the average number of items per return shipment.

Confirmed return fulfillments displays the total number of approved return shipments. The field also indicates the average number of approved return shipments per day.

Each metric also shows the percentage change compared to the previous period.

Return rate

The return frequency analysis provides a comprehensive overview of which items have been shipped and how many times each item has been returned. The analysis also illustrates the percentage of returns for each item, giving you insight into the scope of return issues.

If the percentage of returns for a specific item is high, it should catch your attention. This could indicate a defect in the item from the manufacturer or that the item does not meet size expectations.

You can sort this view by the following columns: Shipped, Returned, and Percentage, from highest to lowest or vice versa. The Name column can also be sorted alphabetically.

Return patterns

The return patterns analysis provides insights into the return reasons provided by your customers on the return portal—even down to the item level.

You can see which items are frequently returned for the same reason and quickly take action if specific items are repeatedly returned for the same reason.

This view can also be sorted alphabetically by Name and Reason or by Returned from highest to lowest.

Finally, the analysis offers an overview of the most used reasons, solutions, and return methods on your return portal(s).

Reason displays the most frequently used return reasons submitted by your customers when creating their return shipment.

Solution indicate the most commonly chosen solutions by your customers, such as refunds, replacements, or repairs.

Return method shows the return methods most often used—i.e., the delivery methods your customers select for sending their return shipments.

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