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Zapier - Integration setup

Automate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.

Updated over a year ago

If you're using Zapier to integrate different systems and automate different workflows in your business, you can also able use Zapier to set up an integration with your Shipmondo account.

This will of course only be possible provided that an integration between the system you're trying to integrate to and Zapier already exists.

Follow these simple steps to set up your integration

Log in to your Zapier admin.

Go to Zaps to create a new Zap (integration).

Click on the +Create Zap button.

1. Setting up Trigger

A Trigger represents the integration you want to set up with the system from which you want to import data.

Note! Setting up a Trigger can vary depending on which system the data is being exported from. We recommend you to read the relevant guide(s) before proceeding with the integration to Shipmondo.

1. Start by finding and selecting the system that you want to export data from.

Our example shows setting up a Zap with Ecwid.

Name your Zap as you wish. We've chosen to name it "Ecwid & Shipmondo".

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2. In the Choose app & event step, in Trigger Event, you need to choose the set of data that you want data to be exported from. We've chosen New Shipping Order.

This means that each time a new shipping order is created in Ecwid, this will work as a trigger for the data to be exported from Ecwid to Zapier, and afterwards from Zapier to Shipmondo.

Click on Continue.

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3. In the Choose account step, you need to choose the account you want to connect to. Here, you might be asked to log in, if you're not already logged in.

Click on Continue.

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4. In the Set up trigger step, for Payment Status and Fulfillment Status, you need to define which payment- and order status you want orders to have in order to be imported to Shipmondo.

Click on Continue.

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5. In the Test trigger step, click on the Test trigger button to see if the connection has been established to the system the data is to be imported from.

Click on Continue.

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2. Setting up Action

An Action represents the integration from Zapier to Shipmondo.

1. Search for "Shipmondo" and, in Search Apps, choose the newest version .

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2. In the Choose app & event step, for Action Event, you need to choose where the data should be placed in Shipmondo.

  • Create order - This option imports the whole order to Shipmondo Order Management (look at API documentation).

  • Create Draft Shipment - This option imports shipping information to Shipmondo Drafts (look at API documentation).


  • Create Item - This option imports item data to use in Shipmondo Order Management (look at API documentation).

  • Update Item - This option will let you update item data in Shipmondo, based on the Shipmondo item id (look at API documentation).

  • Get Item - This option lets you fetch item data from Shipmondo, based on the Shipmondo item id (look at API documentation).

  • Get a List of Items - This option fetches a list om items from Shipmondo, based on the assigned parameters (look at API documentation).

Note! It's important to choose the right integration type – Order Management or Draft Shipments – to provide the most effective setup for your business.

Read about the difference between the two solutions here.

Click on Continue.

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3. In the Choose account step, choose the Shipmondo account you want to connect to.

Zapier will now open a new window, where you need to give permission for Zapier to access your Shipmondo account.

Here, you need to fill in the Username and Password.

The Username and Password corresponds to the API keys, which you can find as User and Key in your Shipmondo account under Settings > API > Access.

Click on Yes, Continue.

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4. In the Set up action step, you should make sure to map the data correctly in order for the data to be imported correctly and as you require to your Shipmondo account.

Fields marked with (required) need to be filled in, the others are optional.

You can find information about what Shipmondo needs in our API documentation, under POST/GET/PUT request for Sales Orders, Items and/order Draft shipments, depending on the integration type you've chosen in the Choose app & event step, under Action Event.

The system will retrieve and display a list of fields from Ecwid that you can choose from in order to create each mapping to a specific Shipmondo field.

To get help or clarification regarding these, look for the relevant guide in the Zapier Help Center or contact Zapier customer service for assistance.

5. Now you're ready to activate and test your Zap and to confirm that the information is forwarded to your Shipmondo account as required.

Click here to read more about how to create a shipment based on an imported order.

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