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Guides for installing and setting up order integration / shipping module (preferred pickup point) for webshops, and integration for accounting systems and payment gateways.
90 articles
Create a shipment based on an imported orderHow to get started with creating a shipment after setting up your order integration.
Import delivery methods, payment methods, and financial accounts with one clickYou can quickly import delivery methods, order statuses, payment methods, and financial accounts to your integrations with a single click.
Starweb - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
Big Cartel - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
Odoo - Webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management with an integration to Shipmondo.
Fortnox accounting system - shipping integration setupAutomate your shipping process by integrating Fortnox with Shipmondo.
BigCommerce - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your BigCommerce webshop with Shipmondo.
Zapier - Integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
Billy accounting system - shipping integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Billy accounting software with Shipmondo.
DanDomain - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your DanDomain webshop with Shipmondo.
DanDomain Classic - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your DanDomain Classic webshop with Shipmondo.
Dinero accounting system - shipping integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Dinero accounting system with Shipmondo.
Ecwid - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
E-conomic accounting system - shipping integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your E-conomic accounting program with Shipmondo.
Golden Planet - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Golden Planet webshop with Shipmondo.
Magento 2 - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Magento 2 webshop with Shipmondo.
Magento 2.1.9 to 2.4.3 - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Magento 2 webshop with Shipmondo.
Magento 2.0.2 to 2.1.8 - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Magento 2 webshop with Shipmondo.
Magento 1.9 (or older) - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Magento 1.9 webshop with Shipmondo.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Business Central with Shipmondo.
Microsoft Dynamics C5 - integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Business Central with Shipmondo.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV - integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Microsoft Dynamics NAV with Shipmondo.
Mystore - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
nopCommerce - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your OpenCart webshop with Shipmondo. - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
PrestaShop - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your PrestaShop webshop with Shipmondo.
PrestaShop - transfer product placement and variantsProduct placement and product variants can also be transferred to Shipmondo. See how to activate this on your PrestaShop.
PrestaShop - Warehouse activationSe how to activate Warehouse functionality on your shop to import product placement and product variations.
ScanNet - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
Shopify - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Shopify webshop with Shipmondo.
Shopify - Activation of Carrier Calculated Shipping (CarrierService API)Activate Carrier Calculated Shipping, so you can use shipping rules and show delivery methods/pick-up point selector in your store checkout.
Shoporama - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
SmartWeb - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your SmartWeb webshop with Shipmondo.
Squarespace - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
thirty bees - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your thirty bees webshop with Shipmondo.
thirty bees - Warehouse activationSe how to activate Warehouse functionality on your shop to import product placement and product variations
Uniconta - integration setupAutomate your order and freight management by integrating your Business Central with Shipmondo.
Wannafind - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
Wix - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
WooCommerce - webshop integration setupAutomate your order and freight processing with integration to Shipmondo.
Choose the right integration typeWhat is the right integration type and which one should you choose for your order integration? Go through this guide to find out.
Magento 2 - shipping module (developed by third party)Offer your customers an optional pick-up point during check out on your webshop.
Magento 1.9 - shipping module setupOffer your customers an optional pick-up point during check out on your webshop.
Magento 1.9 - delivery method examplesHere are some examples on how you can set up delivery methods through Shipmondo's shipping module for Magento 1.9.
PrestaShop - shipping module setupAdd an optional pick-up point selector to your shop with our free shipping module.
PrestaShop - delivery method examplesHere are some examples on how you can set up delivery methods through Shipmondo's Shipping Module for PrestaShop in the guide below.
Shopify - Shipmondo shipping app setupLet your customers choose their desired pick-up point by activating Shipmondo's pick-up point/parcelshop selector at your webshop checkout.
Shopify - Delivery method examplesHere are some examples on how you can set up delivery methods through Shipmondo's shipping app for Shopify.
Shopify - Free shipping with automatic discount
Shopify - Shipmondo app restrictions
WooCommerce - shipping module setupOffer your customers an optional pick-up point during check out on your webshop.
WooCommerce - delivery method examplesHere are some examples on how you can set up delivery methods through Shipmondo's shipping module for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce - Delivery method based on the items in the shopping cartSet up your WooCommerce to show delivery methods at checkout based on the items in the shopping cart.
thirty bees - delivery method examplesHere are some examples on how you can set up delivery methods through Shipmondo's shipping module for thirty bees.
thirty bees - shipping module setupOffer your customers an optional pick-up point during check out on your webshop.
Create a free Google maps API keySome of Shipmondo's shipping modules might require a Google API Key. Follow this guide to obtain one.
Create a shipping module keyHere's what you need to do in order to generate a shipping module key and identification key.
Klarna Checkout - Shipmondo in Klarna Shipping AssistentHere you can see the possibilities for using Shipmondo in Klarna Checkout through Klarna Shipping Assistant.
Activation of Shipmondo in Klarna Checkout
Klarna Checkout - Setup guide for WooCommerceSetup Shipmondo in Klarna Checkout (Klarna Shipping Service).
Klarna Checkout - Setup of delivery methodsSetup of delivery methods and delivery points in Klarna Checkout through Shipmondo.
Klarna Checkout - Setup of delivery time for delivery methodsSetup of delivery time, for your delivery methods in Klarna Checkout with Shipmondo.
Klarna Checkout - Setup of labeling under delivery methodsSetup of labeling under delivery methods in Klarna Checkout with Shipmondo
Klarna Checkout - Additional information about delivery methodsAdd a text that will be shown with your delivery method in Klarna Checkout.
Klarna Checkout - Free shipping with the use of a discount couponOffer free shipping with the use of a coupon in your Klarna Checkout.
Klarna Checkout - Test your setup of delivery methodsTest your setup of delivery methods in Shipmondo, and ensure it works as intended.
Anyday - Payment gateway setupHow to add an Anyday payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Bambora Checkout - Setup of payment gatewayHow to add your Bambora Checkout payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
ePay - Payment gateway setupHow to add your ePay payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Vipps - Payment gateway setupHow to add an Vipps payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Freepay - Payment gateway setupHow to add an Freepay payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Klarna Payments - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Klarna Payments payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Nets D2 - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Nets D2 (former DIBS) payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Nets Easy - Set up of payment gatewayHow to add your Nets Easy (former DIBS Easy) payment gateway on your Shipmondo account.
OnPay - Payment gateway setupHow to add your OnPay payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Paylike - Set up of payment gatewayHow to add your Paylike payment gateway on your Shipmondo account.
PayPal - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Paypal payment gateway for your Shipmondo account.
pensopay - Payment gateway setupHow to add your pensopay payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Quickpay - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Quickpay payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Billwerk+ - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Billwerk+ payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Shopify Payments - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Shopify payment gateway to your Shipmondo account
Stripe - Payment gateway setupHow to add your Stripe payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Swiipe - Payment gateway setupHow to add Swiipe payment gateway to your Shipmondo account.
Connect a payment gateway to your order integration
Billy accounting system - bookkeeping integration setupAutomate your bookkeeping processes and posting of sales revenue from your webshop when using Shipmondo's order management.
Dinero accounting system - bookkeeping integration setupAutomate your bookkeeping processes and posting of sales revenue from your webshop when using Shipmondo's order management.
E-conomic accounting system - bookkeeping integration setupAutomate your bookkeeping processes and posting of sales revenue from your webshop when using Shipmondo's order management.