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Import delivery methods, payment methods, and financial accounts with one click
Import delivery methods, payment methods, and financial accounts with one click

You can quickly import delivery methods, order statuses, payment methods, and financial accounts to your integrations with a single click.

Updated over 11 months ago

You can import existing or new delivery methods, order statuses, payment methods, or financial accounts from your webshop or accounting system to your integration on your Shipmondo account with a single click.

Import settings for the order integration

Select your order integration and click on the dropdown menu under More, then choose Import settings.

When you click on Import settings on your order integration, it will retrieve and update delivery methods, order statuses, and payment methods from your webshop and add them to your integration on your Shipmondo account.

NB! If a delivery method has been previously deleted from the integration, it will not be imported again when you click Import settings. It requires a new order with the respective delivery method to be imported into your Shipmondo account.

Import setup for bookkeeping integration

Select your bookkeeping integration and click on the dropdown menu under More, then choose Import settings.

When you click Import settings on your bookkeeping integration, it will retrieve and update the financial accounts available from your accounting system.

Afterwards, you can use them when setting up your enrichment templates.

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