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Shipmondo Order Management
Manage your orders faster and more efficiently. Use our pick and pack solutions. Print packing list, deliveries, delivery notes and withdraw money directly from your Shipmondo account.
36 articles
Why use Shipmondo's order management?What is order management and what are the benefits of using it?
Our platform supports (order management)An overview of which integration types and payment solutions are supported for different webshop platforms/accounting systems on Shipmondo.
How to manage an order in ShipmondoSee an example of how to process an order in Shipmondo, from start to finish.
Filtering of ordersUse order filtering to optimize your workflow and manage your orders effectively.
Canceling an orderCancel your webshop orders in Shipmondo.
How to change order status to Picked upHere, you can see how to mark an order as picked up and complete it when your customer has collected their goods from your warehouse/store.
Manage return ordersHow to create return fulfillments and handle return orders in Shipmondo.
Manage fulfillment errorsHow to handle fulfillment errors (Picking errors) in Shipmondo
Address validationFind typos and invalid addresses on your orders
Changing the shipment information after the importWish to use a different delivery method or split the order into multiple shipments? Follow this guide to see how it's done.
Import/update all products from your webshopHow to activate a full product import to Shipmondo.
Update of data on productsFill in product placements, weight, customs information, etc. and handle your orders/shipments even more efficiently.
Setting up custom item field mappingsChoose which fields on your webshop data should be retrieved from when Shipmondo imports your products.
Picking solutions in ShipmondoRead about the three different picking solutions and choose the picking solution that best suits your business.
Pick with digital pick pathsPick with computer, tablet or mobile. Take advantage of the digital opportunities and have product images shown on the screen while picking.
Pick with pick path listsQuickly and efficiently create a single picking list and pick multiple orders at once.
Pick with pick listsA simple picking solution for those of you who don’t need pick path optimization and just want to have one pick list printed per order.
Order check: Scan items when pickingScan the barcode on the item when picking, and minimize picking errors.
Production listDo your products have to be produced before the orders can be packed? Production lists give you an overview of your goods and production.
Tips - Pick and packA few quick tips to increase your daily efficiency.
Workflow when picking with pick lists
Automatic completion of customs documentsDo you have a lot of export shipments? Use automatic customs and create your export shipments easily and quickly.
Product labels with barcodesCreate product labels with barcodes for your products and minimize picking errors with order checks.
Completing the orders with a scannerCapture payments, book shipments, finish orders and print shipping labels with a scan.
Shelf labels with bin codesCreate shelf labels with bin codes and streamline your workflow in your warehouse.
Bulk actions to ordersCapture payments, book shipments and complete multiple orders at once with bulk actions.
Set up Zebra TC21/TC26 and TC22/TC27(handheld terminal)Shipmondo also supports handheld terminals, including Zebra TC21 / TC26. Read how to set it up here.
Create packagingDo you often use the same types of packaging? Create them in Shipmondo to book the correct shipping and save time.
Activation of order managementSee here how you can activate order management on your Shipmondo account.
Set up your order integration
Set up your payment gateway
Pick SettingsCustomize your pick-and-pack solution to your workflow.
Set up your handheld scannerTo use a handheld scanner with Shipmondo, the scanner must be set to run HID mode.
Use your own company logo on the documentsPersonalize packing lists, delivery notes, invoices and credit notes by adding your own company logo.
Specify the warehouse item placementSpecify the placement for your items so your pick and pack staff can use the information to locate them more efficiently.
Set up automatic sending of invoicesAutomatically send an e-mail with an attached invoice/credit note to the customer when an order/return order has been fulfilled.